Maximizing Participation in HOA Meetings: A Guide for Board Members

Maximizing Participation in HOA Meetings: A Guide for Board Members

Are there a variety of empty seats at your HOA meetings that you wish to fill? HOAs are more popular than ever before, so why is it so difficult to get members to participate?

It can be demoralizing to an HOA when members never show up for the meetings. The good news is that there are a couple of simple tactics you can use to help bring those missing members to the table.

We've put together this guide to show you how easy it can be, so keep reading to learn more!

Tactful Reminders

Sometimes a couple of extra reminders about the date and time of the meeting is all you need to make a positive change. The key is to tell your HOA community several weeks ahead of time, and then again a few days prior.

Giving them multiple reminders reduces the chance of forgetting while also giving members plenty of time to plan around the date.

Bonding Events

A fool-proof way to help increase interest in your HOA residents is by creating a sense of unity. A strong bond between members means they care more about the HOA as a whole. They'll want to participate and improve the community when they care about the other members of that community.

Think about hosting events such as parties, fundraisers, cookouts, and more. This gives residents a chance to become friends and create a cohesive HOA.

Close Proximity

It's impossible to find a building that's easily accessible to every person in your community. However, it's in your HOA's best interest to find somewhere near the area.

The need to travel far for a meeting is a deterrent that's difficult to overcome for many people. They'd rather skip the meeting altogether, no matter how much they love their HOA property.

If you have trouble finding a place that works for the bulk of your residents, think about hiring an HOA management team instead. They'll have the resources to ensure that the meeting place works for as many members as possible.

Inclusive Discussions

During the HOA annual meeting, it's vital that everyone feels welcomed. While the board members may run the meeting, the other members need to have their chance to speak as well.

Feeling ignored is a sure way to lose the trust and participation of your members. They may even look elsewhere for their forever home if they get too fed up with it.

This is why you need to give everyone at the meeting a chance to add to the discussion.

Improve Your HOA Meetings

These tips are the foundation for increasing participation at your HOA meetings. Friendly reminders, creating close-knit bonds, and topics that don't overwhelm will spark new life into your HOA. If you're looking to amplify your efforts even more, reach out to a professional HOA management team.

PMI East Bay is part of a worldwide franchise that tackles HOA management issues daily. We can help guide your HOA to reach new levels of success by using our 20 years of experience in the field. Check out our full range of HOA services to get started right away!
